Product Development

TalGuy Group works to promote innovation in the world of product development, where visionary ideas become market-ready solutions. Our comprehensive package of services includes product design, 3D CAD modeling, supply chain planning, production planning, marketing, and support for obtaining patents.

Product Design

The journey to product development begins with imagination, we at TalGuy Group provide CAD services, 3D modeling, and drawings for production to bring ideas into tangible products. Our skilled team of engineers uses innovative technology and market-leading software to test ideas and find design solutions to achieve the desired functionality. The result is a 3D model and production drawings that not only meet the customer’s expectations but also prepare the ground for the continuation of the process and the examination of production options.

Supply chain

Outsourcing, raw materials, optimization, shipping, these are just some of the elements required to turn the design into a tangible product. We manage the project and build a supply chain and production plans with a taylor-fit for the product. Each product and each customer has different needs, and we are here to explore in depth all the possibilities and decide with you the best way to realize the potential and implement the plan.

Strategic investment in products

In addition to our hands-on involvement in product development, TalGuy Group invests strategically in innovative products. This proactive approach not only demonstrates our confidence in the products we develop, but also positions us as a stakeholder in their success. By aligning our strategic investments with the most promising innovations, we contribute to a future where innovative products thrive in the marketplace.

Patents and intellectual property

Every good idea requires protection from day one. We are happy to accompany the owners of the ideas and connect them with lawyers and relevant parties for filing for patents, designs, intellectual property and examining all the necessary ways to protect the unique idea in their hands. The road to protecting the idea is full of obstacles and requires the presentation and preparation of documents and drawings illustrating the idea to be protected, our team will accompany you throughout the process.

TalGuy Bracket Logo

Get to know the folding bracket by TalGuy Group
Improving the daily life of an air conditioner installation!

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Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.